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Published by marllm team | January 29, 2025

marllm team | January 29, 2025

The Future Masters of Brand Growth Lead Gen Strategies: Insights from 100+ Brands

Combine organic content campaigns, optimized sales funnels, and the latest digital growth techniques to future-proof your growth like never before! Get this complete guide from The Point Consultancy 100+ brands

Combine organic content campaigns, optimized sales funnels, and the latest digital growth techniques to future-proof your growth like never before! Get this complete guide from The Point Consultancy 100+ brands
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"The founders of The Point Agency emphasizes the factors brands are using to remain competitive in an increasingly saturated market. Their 100+ global brands and innovative tactics approach brings this 10 step guided strategy they see leading brands use to remain in and outcompete the markets"

marllm teamThe founders of The Point Agency emphasizes the factors brands are using to remain competitive in an increasingly saturated market. Their 100+ global brands and innovative tactics approach brings this 10 step guided strategy they see leading brands use to remain in and outcompete the markets

marllm team

Founder | Global Digital Growth, AI Expertise

 Future of Digital Growth Strategies: Doing More With Less Using The Latest Lead-gen Assitance Tools

What we've definitely seen at the moment, especially over the last year or two, with

  • the economy being difficult with budgets being cut,
  • headcounts being taken away
  • sales targets increasing is that everybody's trying to do more for less.

The future of growth is how people can do that in a way that is affordable but also sustainable.

what are now considered traditional growth tactics no longer work sustainably, so your

  • paid search,
  • your sponsored social.
  • It's very expensive.
  • It does not always give a great return on investment.

It's such a competitive market space.

How can we offer actual alternatives to this real problem?

What should brands consider the most today when trying to achieve that growth using the latest or best digital growth techniques?

Businesses really need to understand what it really means in terms of the utilize platforms to get the most out of them.

Human labour today will not be able to compete with AI-efficiency tomorrow

  • It's got to fit into an overall strategy and
  • it's got to lend itself to where the business is going.
  • Be it aligning with, the content messaging, the larger commercial KPIs,
  • it needs to be woven into the overall picture.

 Future of Digital Growth Strategies: Doing More With Less Using The Latest Lead-gen Assitance Tools


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someCold outreach and ads are broken. Make the matching leads discover you and come to your website by launching 100s and 1000s of rich content pages that reach exponentially larger target audience than linked in network, drive record-breaking sales traffic than manual prospecting or cold outreach to your website, that convert 6 times higher than ads.
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1. Brands are outcompeting you with the Latest Martech solutions

Could you walk through a few examples of some of the renowned brands you worked for or helped grow The main thing we've learned from chatting with 50+ CMOs, founders, different scales and sizes of businesses, just to get an idea was access to subject matter expertise, they wanted specialist marketing skills. They were very aware that there was a huge technological revolution going on within the Martech space and they wanted access to the right products and services and partners at the right stage. So we've talked to many of the new innovative Martech platforms, we can recommend them to our brands at the right stage to solve whichever business problem they have,

Could you walk through a few examples of some of the renowned brands you worked for or helped grow

The main thing we've learned from chatting with  50+  CMOs, founders, different scales and sizes of businesses, just to get an idea was access to subject matter expertise, they wanted specialist marketing skills.

 They were very aware that there was a huge technological revolution going on within the Martech space and they wanted access to the right products and services and partners at the right stage. 

So  we've talked to many of the new innovative Martech platforms, we can recommend them to our brands at the right stage to solve whichever business problem they have,

  2. The One Thing All Brands Are Missing When Facing Lead-Gen Difficulties

What is the same for everybody at the moment is that it is quite a challenging time. when we get into challenging times, people tend to take their eye off the long game and start to look at short term win tactics. for example, turning on a lot of paid media to try and drive some traffic. And as a result, we'll get a lot of, Wastage and a lot of extra spend. So I think brands it's important to keep what that end game is. Obviously strategies need to change. They need to change over time and we need to flex to how things are going, but keeping an eye on the long term goals and making sure that whatever technologies brought into it or whatever short term tactics even that are brought into it are aligning to that end game. And they're not just there to be a quick win

What is the same for everybody at the moment is that it is quite a challenging time.

when we get into challenging times, people tend to take their eye off the long game and start to look at short term win tactics. 

for example, turning on a lot of paid media to try and drive some traffic. And as a result, we'll get a lot of, Wastage and a lot of extra spend. So I think brands it's important to keep what that end game is.

Obviously strategies need to change. 

They need to change over time and we need to flex to how things are going, but keeping an eye on the long term goals and making sure that whatever technologies brought into it or whatever short term tactics even that are brought into it are aligning to that end game.

And they're not just there to be a quick win

  3. Why High-Quality Organic Content Campaigns Should Be the Foundation Of Your Digital Growth

 organic content campaigns are extremely important in the way that it helps brands shape the narrative that their customers and prospects are consuming on digital platforms. But it also allows them to be a part of the wider conversation around their brand and around their category. That allows them to become thought leaders and raise their profile. It allows them to drive search authority. Creating great content you're getting great search authority that stays with the brand indefinitely. Obviously, the difference being if they're paying for it, as soon as they stop paying for that traffic, it disappears. So I think organic for me is all about the narrative.

 organic content campaigns are extremely important in the way that it helps brands shape the narrative that their customers and prospects are consuming on digital platforms.

But it also allows them to be a part of the wider conversation around their brand and around their category. That allows them to become thought leaders and raise their profile.  It allows them to drive search authority. 

Creating great content you're getting great search authority that stays with the brand indefinitely. Obviously, the difference being if they're paying for it, as soon as they stop paying for that traffic, it disappears. So I think organic for me is all about the narrative.

  4. Complete more Content-led Sales Using This Lead-magnet In Content Approac

 A lot of what we're seeing is that customers want to self serve and I think content is great when it comes to an education piece, something that's right for me, people want to know things like price and availability. The more that a business can give a customer a tool to self serve. be it price calculators or assessment tools, things like that, where they can get down to the nuts and bolts of, is this actually something that I can afford and do? Then what you do is you weed out a lot of the leads that aren't interested before it goes into a funnel and then you start touching them with higher value. touch points, i. e. your sales guy speaking to them. Then see you've got your higher value leads into the funnel. if they've created a lot of content, you've got to look at the data. Look at the type of content, look at the stage, the funnel that's hitting and seeing what's working, what's not working. organic content is a big test and learn process. You need to be working out what's working when, and that will change dependent on different stage of the funnel and other areas,. Reviewing the content to make sure that it's delivering the right message at the right stage of the funnel is incredibly important as well. There's no point hitting people with, consideration content when they're only just looking at the very top of the funnel. It's just not going to work. the other things would be personalization. If you have the ability to personalize the content, that makes a massive difference. And then the other one would be consistency of messaging. ensuring that the content you're creating, wherever it is in the funnel is consistent with your brand messaging and is consistent in its tone and style all the way.

 A lot of what we're seeing is that customers want to self serve and I think content is great when it comes to an education piece, something that's right for me, people want to know things like price and availability.

The more that a business can give a customer a tool to self serve. be it price calculators or assessment tools, things like that, where they can get down to the nuts and bolts of, is this actually something that I can afford and do?

Then what you do is you weed out a lot of the leads that aren't interested before it goes into a funnel and then you start touching them with higher value. touch points, i. e. your sales guy speaking to them. 

 Then see you've got your higher value leads into the funnel. if they've created a lot of content, you've got to look at the data. Look at the type of content, look at the stage, the funnel that's hitting and seeing what's working, what's not working.

organic content is a big test and learn process. You need to be working out what's working when, and that will change dependent on different stage of the funnel and other areas,. Reviewing the content to make sure that it's delivering the right message at the right stage of the funnel is incredibly important as well.

There's no point hitting people with, consideration content when they're only just looking at the very top of the funnel. It's just not going to work. the other things would be personalization. If you have the ability to personalize the content, that makes a massive difference.

And then the other one would be consistency of messaging. ensuring that the content you're creating, wherever it is in the funnel is consistent with your brand messaging and is consistent in its tone and style all the way.

5.   Convert More Leads From Your Content Pages by cleaning up your content

 first of all, clean up your content . Make sure it's relevant, it's timely, you've not got things like old case studies kicking around. everything is where it should be. adding in the self assessment, the self serve tools are really good. They really help conversion. It helps weed out a lot of unnecessary leads that wouldn't be interested. And also being relevant and timely to the right people. And consistency as well. Making sure the regularity and the content you're uploading to your website, is consistent, it's clear, and it's all working towards that end strategy. And if we're talking at the top of the funnel 70 percent of all the research any buyer will have done into your brand will have happened before they've even spoken to you. So the ability to make sure that the right content is out there in that awareness phase is critical. a lot of brands go straight to the sale or start wanting to put out offers straight away building that top of the funnel, is so critical to businesses.

 first of all, clean  up your content . Make sure it's relevant, it's timely, you've not got things like old case studies kicking around.  everything is where it should be. adding in the self assessment, the self serve tools are really good.

They really help conversion. It helps weed out a lot of unnecessary leads that wouldn't be interested. And also being relevant and timely to the right people. And consistency as well. 

Making sure the regularity and the content you're uploading to your website, is consistent, it's clear, and it's all working towards that end strategy. 

And if we're talking at the top of the funnel 70 percent of all the research any  buyer will have done into your brand will have happened before they've even spoken to you. So the ability to make sure that the right content is out there in that awareness phase is critical. a lot of brands go straight to the sale or start wanting to put out offers straight away building that top of the funnel, is so critical to businesses.

6. Publish content that is centered around customer pains and needs not just your solution

 Making sure it's not content for content's sake but it's also speaking to the customer's needs. When you put it through the does anyone care filter? A lot wouldn't pass that test. It's really got to be useful for the consumer and help them not just in their buying process, but in their journey. Any sort of value you add to that person is only going to do good for your brand recall and customer experience.

 Making sure it's not content for content's sake but it's also speaking to the customer's needs. When you put it through the does anyone care filter? A lot  wouldn't pass that test. It's really got to be useful for the consumer and help them not just in their buying process, but in their  journey.  Any sort of value you add to that person is only going to do good for your brand recall and customer experience.

7.   Eliminate Gaps InTop, Middle, and Bottom Funnel Content to Target & Convert Leads At Every Stage of Their Buying Journe

 We always look at the basic three stage funnel of awareness, consideration, and conversion. it's making sure you've got the right content for that stage. at the first stage educational, explainer style content that's going to get people looking and trying. They're in their research phase. Then when you go into when they're starting to compare against competitors, it's got to be case studies, free trials webinars. Giving a deeper information around why you should stand out. And then we come for the conversion phase and it can be testimonials, reviews, more product specific content because they're really trying to make their final decision. once you've got that in your mind as a brand. You can then start creating the right content for that stage. But then the bit that some people always forget is post sale. trying to make sure you have post sale content that will drive that advocacy because we all know it's so much cheaper to keep a client than to find a new one. that idea of driving advocacy at the end of the funnel is very important as well. I think it's also to remember that funnels aren't linear, and people can come in from any which way, and they'll go and find whatever information is most relevant to them. If they've got a very specific case study that they're looking at, they'll go in quite deep to find that specific information. So it's just, making sure that wherever you've mapped, it's against what consumers are looking for. And again, data can back that up. Speaking to your customers is highly valuable. making sure that everything is there. It's relevant. It's up to date, it's timely, and you've not just got an absolute sea of It comes down to navigation and user experience through that funnel. making sure it's easy for them to navigate and find their way is critical If you get down there and want more information, you can't find it. That's your drop off. it's about making sure There's no friction through that process. people don't have a lot of patience these days. it's got to be accessible. right there in front of them. They're not going to spend, even minutes digging through a website, looking for something. It's got to be there. And again, that's why intense search and well curated landing pages are so important From that immediate search term, get to what they need, take the information they want and then make an action on it. It makes a lot of sense. Goes back to that clean your house comments you had earlier.

 We always look at the basic three stage funnel of awareness, consideration, and conversion. it's making sure you've got the right content for that stage.

at the first stage educational, explainer style content that's going to get people looking and trying. They're in their research phase. Then when you go into when they're starting to compare against competitors, it's got to be case studies, free trials webinars. Giving a deeper information around why you should stand out.

And then we come for the conversion phase and it can be testimonials, reviews, more product specific content because they're really trying to make their final decision. once you've got that in your mind as a brand. You can then start creating the right content for that stage.

But then the bit that some people always forget is post sale. trying to make sure you have post sale content that will drive that advocacy because we all know it's so much cheaper to keep a client than to find a new one. that idea of driving advocacy at the end of the funnel is very important as well.

I think it's also to remember that funnels aren't linear, and people can come in from any which way, and they'll go and find whatever information is most relevant to them. If they've got a very specific case study that they're looking at, they'll go in quite deep to find that specific information. So it's just, making sure that wherever you've mapped, it's against what consumers are looking for. And again, data can back that up. Speaking to your customers is highly valuable. making sure that everything is there. It's relevant. It's up to date, it's timely, and you've not just got an absolute sea of 

 It comes down to navigation and user experience through that funnel. making sure it's easy for them to navigate and find their way is critical If you get down there and want more information, you can't find it.

That's your drop off. it's about making sure There's no friction through that process. people don't have a lot of patience these days. it's got to be accessible. right there in front of them. They're not going to spend, even minutes digging through a website, looking for something.

It's got to be there. And again, that's why intense search and well curated landing pages are so important From that immediate search term, get to what they need, take the information they want and then make an action on it. It makes a lot of sense. Goes back to that clean your house comments you had earlier.

8 Leverage Well Integrated Tools Like Marllm To Out-do Your Competition

  We've been talking to lots of these new MarTech players, you guys being one of them. We're trying to recommend the platform exactly the right time or to solve exactly the right problem. the reason we recommend your platform is when we have customers that are high growth, that are looking for leads that are either frustrated about the cost of acquisition through paid, They're looking for alternatives. they maybe don't have enough content to drive effective organic search. in those areas, we will go to them and say, look, you need to talk to the team. marllm can walk you through that process. We always try and ensure that from our point of view, that we have given the client a strategy and that marllm is the platform that will help to execute that strategy. So I think it's been really great for us. Working with you guys, because what you do is you've actually solved a real problem in the industry, you know, the huge expense that people are spending on things like paid search and sponsored social, like the extreme costs of things like LinkedIn paid ads, you know, which is kind of where we're at. It's so expensive. there's so much waste involved. So where you guys have come in and actually filled an actual gap with the technology that actually works is great. It's great for us because we can recommend something that's so solid. And I think it's great to have a sort of a partnership. It lends itself to what we do really well. And yeah, looking forward to more.

  We've been talking to lots of these new MarTech players, you guys being one of them. We're trying to recommend the platform exactly the right time or to solve exactly the right problem. the reason we recommend your platform is when we have customers that are high growth, that are looking for leads that are either frustrated about the cost of acquisition through paid, 

They're looking for alternatives. they maybe don't have enough content to drive effective organic search. in those areas, we will go to them and say, look, you need to talk to the team. marllm can walk you through that process. We always try and ensure that from our point of view, that we have given the client a strategy and that marllm is the platform that will help to execute that strategy.

So I think it's been really great for us. Working with you guys, because what you do is you've actually solved a real problem in the industry, you know, the huge expense that people are spending on things like paid search and sponsored social, like the extreme costs of things like LinkedIn paid ads, you know, which is kind of where we're at.

 It's so expensive. there's so much waste involved. So where you guys have come in and actually filled an actual gap with the technology that actually works is great. It's great for us because we can recommend something that's so solid. And I think it's great to have a sort of a partnership.

It lends itself to what we do really well. And yeah, looking forward to more.



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 Future of Digital Growth Strategies: Doing More With Less Using The Latest Lead-gen Assitance Tools
Frequently Asked Questions:
How to drive digital marketing growth in lifestyle and luxury sector?
Data shows that Key Competitor 1 has 27.9 million website visits. Although some visitors may never have heard of the brand before, it has so many landing pages and linking websites that it receives many visitors. 
The 2nd competitor has twice as much content & links from other websites - however, the quality and richness of content are less than ideal, which is why Google does not reward with higher discoverability. 
Competitor 5 has a colourful website; however, insufficient content drives visitors away, resulting in only 66.2K site visits.
In summary, surfacing a wider range of products with eye-catching content can maximise brand visibility and elevate competitiveness against well-known rivals - This success is attributed to the wide range of topics covered and quality.

Data shows that Key Competitor 1 has 27.9 million website visits. Although some visitors may never have heard of the brand before, it has so many landing pages and linking websites that it receives many visitors. The 2nd competitor has twice as much content & links from other websites - however, the quality and richness of content are less than ideal, which is why Google does not reward with higher discoverability. Competitor 5 has a colourful website; however, insufficient content drives visitors away, resulting in only 66.2K site visits. In summary, surfacing a wider range of products with eye-catching content can maximise brand visibility and elevate competitiveness against well-known rivals - This success is attributed to the wide range of topics covered and quality.

How to increase brand visibility?
gaining that reputation can be quite difficult. One way is, you rely on other reputable businesses to have lots of quality reference about you!
To help with getting mentioned its a good start to have high value and relevant content that customers want to engage with
The more mentions you have on these off page SEO the more you are favoured by the algorithms

gaining that reputation can be quite difficult. One way is, you rely on other reputable businesses to have lots of quality reference about you! To help with getting mentioned its a good start to have high value and relevant content that customers want to engage with The more mentions you have on these off page SEO the more you are favoured by the algorithms

What are the best tips for digital sales marketing in the age of AI?
The problem arises when trying to find a balance between AI assistance and the human-centred approach.
It helps to understand that
This powerful assistance tool can go far beyond software like Chat GPT bringing immense value to the business.
For those who can find that unifying balance, amazing results can be witnessed just take a look at Marllm clients!

The problem arises when trying to find a balance between AI assistance and the human-centred approach. It helps to understand that This powerful assistance tool can go far beyond software like Chat GPT bringing immense value to the business. For those who can find that unifying balance, amazing results can be witnessed just take a look at Marllm clients!

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